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Book Production Services

We also offer quality editing, book production, and printing services for authors who wish to self-publish their own works.

Electronic publishing (referred to as e-publishing or digital publishing) is an increasingly popular way for authors to make their books easily available for today’s readers.

BeGraphic’s professional conversion of your book’s print files to the EPUB format (for smart devices) or MOBI format (for Kindle) ensures:

  • Your book’s availability for all popular devices and platforms
  • Wider distribution to all audiences
  • Proper rendering on all devices and platforms
  • Appearance consistent with the best publishing standards

We are a second-generation family company that has offered quality print and publishing services since 1956. Call today and let us create the perfect eBook for you.

Understanding the Self-publishing Process

The three components of the self-publishing process are editorial, production, and printing.

Simply put, the editorial process encompasses all activities pertaining to the writing of your book.

We do as much—or as little—as each job requires. Some authors submit manuscripts needing nothing more than light line editing to safeguard against spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and continuity errors. Other authors, especially those who often speak to live audiences, often prefer to provide their messages on CD or audiotape, which we use as the basis for ghostwriting their manuscript.

The editorial process can take anywhere from a few days to several months, depending on the scope of the job. Whatever the situation, our editors always endeavor to see that your message is expressed effectively while maintaining your personal style.

The term production refers to the creative and design process that takes place in preparation for the printing of a book. This process includes the development of your book’s creative concept, cover design, interior design and pagination (page layout), and preparation of electronic and hard proofs. Upon completion of the production process, our designer works directly with the printer to submit your approved job files in the precise format required by the printer.

The production process for a text-only book takes about thirty days, depending on our existing assignments at the time project is submitted.

Once the production of a book is complete, we are then able to provide the printer with the specifications (dimensions, number of pages, proposed cover treatments, paper selection, and quantity) so that the estimator can prepare a price quotation for your approval. Your book will be printed on quality paper and cover stock and will have durable and dependable binding.

The printing process usually takes two to three weeks, depending on the printer’s work schedule at the time a project is submitted.